Information provided via "The Silver School." ance/personalfinance/investing /gold/8802793/Qatari-wealth-fu nd-plans-10bn-gold-buying-spre e.html Qatari Royal family plans to spend up to $10bn (£6.4bn) buying stakes in gold producers through their sovereign wealth fund, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Country Abbreviation Fund Assets $Billion[10] Inception Origin
United Arab Emirates
Abu DhabiADIA Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 627 1976 Oil
NorwayGPF Government Pension Fund - Global 556.8 1990 Oil
Saudi ArabiaSAMA SAMA Foreign Holdings 439.1 n/a Oil
ChinaSAFE SAFE Investment Company 347.1** 1997 Non-commodity
ChinaCIC China Investment Corporation 332.4 2007 Non-commodity
Hong KongHKMA Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio 292.3 1993 Non-commodity
SingaporeGIC Government of Singapore Investment Corporation 247.5 1981 Non-commodity
KuwaitKIA Kuwait Investment Authority 202.8 1953 Oil
SingaporeTH Temasek Holdings 157 1974 Non-commodity
QuébecCDPQ Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec 151.7 1965 Non-Commodity
ChinaNSSF National Social Security Fund 146.5 2000 Non-commodity
RussiaRNWF National Welfare Fund 142.5* 2008 Oil
QatarQIA Qatar Investment Authority 85 2003 Oil
AustraliaAFF Future Fund 93.1 2004 Non-commodity
LibyaLIA Libyan Investment Authority 70 2006 Oil
AlgeriaRRF Revenue Regulation Fund 56.7 2000 Oil
United Arab Emirates
Abu DhabiIPIC International Petroleum Investment Company 48.2 1984 Oil
United States of America
AlaskaAPF Alaska Permanent Fund 39.7 1976 Oil
KazakhstanKNF Kazakhstan National Fund 38.6 2000 Oil
South KoreaKIC Korea Investment Corporation 37 2005 Non-commodity
MalaysiaKN Khazanah Nasional 36.8 1993 Non-commodity
IrelandNPRF National Pensions Reserve Fund 33 2001 Non-commodity
BruneiBIA Brunei Investment Agency 30 1983 Oil
FranceSIF Strategic Investment Fund 28 2008 Non-commodity
AzerbaijanSOFAZ State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan 25.8 1999 Oil
IranOSF Oil Stabilisation Fund 23 1999 Oil
ChileSESF Social and Economic Stabilization Fund 21.8 1985 Copper
United Arab Emirates
DubaiICD Investment Corporation of Dubai 19.6 2006 Oil
AlbertaAHF Alberta's Heritage Fund 14.4 1976 Oil
United States of America
New MexicoNMSIOT New Mexico State Investment Office Trust 13.8 1958 Non-commodity
United Arab Emirates
Abu DhabiMDC Mubadala Development Company 13.3 2002 Oil
New ZealandNZSF New Zealand Superannuation Fund 12.1 2003 Non-commodity
BahrainMHC Mumtalakat Holding Company 9.1 2006 Oil
BrazilSFB Sovereign Fund of Brazil 8.6 2009 Non-commodity
OmanSGRF State General Reserve Fund 8.2 1980 Oil & Gas
BotswanaPF Pula Fund 6.9 1996 Diamonds & Minerals
Timor LesteTLPF Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund 6.3 2005 Oil & Gas
Saudi ArabiaPIF Public Investment Fund 5.3 2008 Oil
ChinaCADF China-Africa Development Fund 5.0 2007 Non-commodity
United States of America
WyomingPWMTF Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund 4.7 1974 Minerals
Trinidad & TobagoHSF Heritage and Stabilization Fund 2.9 2000 Oil
United Arab Emirates
Ra's al KhaymahRIA RAK Investment Authority 1.2 2005 Oil
VenezuelaFEM FEM 0.8 1998 Oil
VietnamSCIC State Capital Investment Corporation 0.5 2006 Non-commodity
NigeriaECA Excess Crude Account 0.5 2004 Oil
KiribatiRERF Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund 0.4 1956 Phosphates
IndonesiaGIU Government Investment Unit
(Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)) 0.3 2006 Non-commodity
MauritaniaNFHR National Fund for Hydrocarbon Reserves 0.3 2006 Oil & Gas
United Arab Emirates
(Federal)EIA Emirates Investment Authority X 2007 Oil
OmanOIF Oman Investment Fund X 2006 Oil
United Arab Emirates
Abu DhabiADIC Abu Dhabi Investment Council X 2007 Oil
The Qatari Royal family plans to spend up to $10bn (£6.4bn) buying stakes in gold producers through their sovereign wealth fund, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Country | Abbreviation | Fund | Assets $Billion[10] | Inception | Origin |
ADIA | Abu Dhabi Investment Authority | 627 | 1976 | Oil | |
GPF | Government Pension Fund - Global | 556.8 | 1990 | Oil | |
SAMA | SAMA Foreign Holdings | 439.1 | n/a | Oil | |
SAFE | SAFE Investment Company | 347.1** | 1997 | Non-commodity | |
CIC | China Investment Corporation | 332.4 | 2007 | Non-commodity | |
HKMA | Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio | 292.3 | 1993 | Non-commodity | |
GIC | Government of Singapore Investment Corporation | 247.5 | 1981 | Non-commodity | |
KIA | Kuwait Investment Authority | 202.8 | 1953 | Oil | |
TH | Temasek Holdings | 157 | 1974 | Non-commodity | |
CDPQ | Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec | 151.7 | 1965 | Non-Commodity | |
NSSF | National Social Security Fund | 146.5 | 2000 | Non-commodity | |
RNWF | National Welfare Fund | 142.5* | 2008 | Oil | |
QIA | Qatar Investment Authority | 85 | 2003 | Oil | |
AFF | Future Fund | 93.1 | 2004 | Non-commodity | |
LIA | Libyan Investment Authority | 70 | 2006 | Oil | |
RRF | Revenue Regulation Fund | 56.7 | 2000 | Oil | |
IPIC | International Petroleum Investment Company | 48.2 | 1984 | Oil | |
APF | Alaska Permanent Fund | 39.7 | 1976 | Oil | |
KNF | Kazakhstan National Fund | 38.6 | 2000 | Oil | |
KIC | Korea Investment Corporation | 37 | 2005 | Non-commodity | |
KN | Khazanah Nasional | 36.8 | 1993 | Non-commodity | |
NPRF | National Pensions Reserve Fund | 33 | 2001 | Non-commodity | |
BIA | Brunei Investment Agency | 30 | 1983 | Oil | |
SIF | Strategic Investment Fund | 28 | 2008 | Non-commodity | |
SOFAZ | State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan | 25.8 | 1999 | Oil | |
OSF | Oil Stabilisation Fund | 23 | 1999 | Oil | |
SESF | Social and Economic Stabilization Fund | 21.8 | 1985 | Copper | |
ICD | Investment Corporation of Dubai | 19.6 | 2006 | Oil | |
AHF | Alberta's Heritage Fund | 14.4 | 1976 | Oil | |
NMSIOT | New Mexico State Investment Office Trust | 13.8 | 1958 | Non-commodity | |
MDC | Mubadala Development Company | 13.3 | 2002 | Oil | |
NZSF | New Zealand Superannuation Fund | 12.1 | 2003 | Non-commodity | |
MHC | Mumtalakat Holding Company | 9.1 | 2006 | Oil | |
SFB | Sovereign Fund of Brazil | 8.6 | 2009 | Non-commodity | |
SGRF | State General Reserve Fund | 8.2 | 1980 | Oil & Gas | |
PF | Pula Fund | 6.9 | 1996 | Diamonds & Minerals | |
TLPF | Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund | 6.3 | 2005 | Oil & Gas | |
PIF | Public Investment Fund | 5.3 | 2008 | Oil | |
CADF | China-Africa Development Fund | 5.0 | 2007 | Non-commodity | |
PWMTF | Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund | 4.7 | 1974 | Minerals | |
HSF | Heritage and Stabilization Fund | 2.9 | 2000 | Oil | |
RIA | RAK Investment Authority | 1.2 | 2005 | Oil | |
FEM | FEM | 0.8 | 1998 | Oil | |
SCIC | State Capital Investment Corporation | 0.5 | 2006 | Non-commodity | |
ECA | Excess Crude Account | 0.5 | 2004 | Oil | |
RERF | Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund | 0.4 | 1956 | Phosphates | |
GIU | Government Investment Unit (Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)) | 0.3 | 2006 | Non-commodity | |
NFHR | National Fund for Hydrocarbon Reserves | 0.3 | 2006 | Oil & Gas | |
(Federal) | EIA | Emirates Investment Authority | X | 2007 | Oil |
OIF | Oman Investment Fund | X | 2006 | Oil | |
ADIC | Abu Dhabi Investment Council | X | 2007 | Oil |
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